
The Editorial Staff ensures that all submitted manuscripts which correspond to the journal’s theme are reviewed with the aim of expert evaluation.

All reviewers are recognized experts on the topic of the manuscripts at hand and in the last 3 years have publications on the subject of the manuscript under review.

The decision to publish is made on the basis of at least two expert reviews on the manuscript’s topic.

The review is carried out anonymously and independently (according to the principle of double-blind review).

The review contains a comprehensive and complete assessment of the manuscript, it reflects the reviewer's comments and the conclusion about the advisability of publication of the manuscript in its current form or publishing it after removal of the remarks, or the inadvisability of the publication.

If necessary, anonymous reviews are submitted to the author to rectify the shortcomings of the manuscript. After taking into account the remarks, the manuscript is again considered by the Editorial Board and subjected to another review procedure.

In case of irreconcilable contradictions between the author and the reviewers concerning the evaluation of the manuscript, the Editorial Board has the right to send the manuscript for an additional review. In conflict situations, the decision is made by the Editorial Board.

Reviews are retained in the Editorial Office for 5 years.